Johnny Brusco
I have had the pleasure of meeting Philip Gelb, president of Phoenix Drum Co. and the privilege of playing on a couple of his custom sets of drums. These drums are ported and tuned to a perfection that I have never experienced in the 40 plus years I have been playing. PDC is also working on a new concept with sound color dynamics that will definitely showcase drummers in a new and exciting spotlight. Phoenix Drum Co. is building a custom kit for me that will be ready next month. I'm excited and happy to say those drums will be second to none in the world. Sincerely, Johnny Brusco
Michael Magruder with Siren Eye Studio
I have had my PDC snare for nearly two years now and loving it. Every time I record a band, they ask to use my snare on at least one of their tracks.
The build quality, the tone, and the aesthetics are all top notch. The best drum recordings I've captured to date had my snare involved.
Thanks again for an awesome product, Philip!
Michael Magruder, Siren Eye Studio

Ed Francis
Ed Francis is the internationally known Drum Coach at Round Rock Drums where he personally teaches over 50 students weekly. He is also the Co-Founder of Rhythm Workshops, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing musical experiences into the community - focusing on groups of people who have little access to making music. He is also featured on Drum Talk TV’s pantheon of talented drummers.
“The ‘Fat Cat" from Phoenix Drum Co. is one of the best snare drums that I get to play on. It’s crisp, versatile, and provides the warmth and attack I enjoy producing when creating music.
Philip creates beautiful works of art - but more importantly, he builds well made drums that sound even better than they look.”
Ed Francis
Goldshteyn Evgeny
Good day dear Philip and crew of Phoenix DrumCo!
Of course, first, I want to say to you Philip : THANK YOU for your support and assistance! You helped me find one of the best snare in the world! PDC Fat Turbo Cat Snare 6,5"x 14" Brass with Black Nickel is the bomb!
The snare exterior, aesthetics and sound are amazing. I think the logo wings on the lugs and on the shell is a good design decision. It looks very cool. And the GHOST PORT makes a huge difference!
I am proud to have such a snare- a snare made by Phoenix Drum Company. I love it, and am fully satisfied. Thank you so much Phoenix Drum Co.
With warmest regards,
Your Russian customer and fan,
Goldshteyn Evgeny

Scott Titus
Being a Ludwig guy my entire 35 years as a drummer, I've always found it difficult to stray from my brand or jump on the latest bandwagon. That all changed a year ago when a single feature on a snare drum caught my eye. That innovation turned out to be the "Ghost Port," by drum manufacturer, Phoenix Drum Co.
I contacted Phillip Gelb at PDC, and decided on a "Fat Cat Turbo." When I received the snare, I was immediately taken aback by the craftsmanship and attention to detail. I have a few snares and this one is beautiful. It didn't take long after placing the instrument on my kit to realize it eclipsed even my Ludwig Black Beauty in overall tone and pitch.
It's now my primary recording snare. The Ghost Port really allows the drum to breath, providing for a better overall recording result. I'm currently working with PDC on a new kit design. I can't wait. I'm sure it will be impressive. If you're looking for innovation check out Phoenix Drum Company. And, like me, realize that change is in fact, amazing.
Scott Titus